
Thursday, June 18, 2020

Math - Use a variety of sentences structures, beginnings and lengths to give effect Task - Week 10 - Term 2

Hello world!

You guest it! another D.L.O! (YAY)

Anyway here it is.

Maths - Rounding and Compensating Task - Week 9 - Term 2

Hello world!

I have done a another D.L.O.

Question: Did this help you with your math?

Reading - Meme and me Task - Week 10 - Term 2

Hello there, Welcome to my blog!

I have created THIS D.L.O (Digital Learning Object) and HERE is the story that I have read.

Image of my D.L.O

Question: What did you think about the story?

You can tell me in the comments!


Friday, June 12, 2020

Writing Week 8


This is a story that I have wrote.

My D.L.O:


ZAP! ''Whoa'' screams Will as he slipped and fell on the hard stone floor. ''Are you ok? That storm really does not want to leave!'' says Nick. ''yeah, I'm good'' answers Will. Nick glanced through the window and at the storm, in the corner of his eye was a A dark shadow. The mysterious shadow was running towards a mountain then it disappeared. ''Did you see that?'' yells Nick as he placed his hands on the window. Will got up from the floor ''see what?'' he said as he rushed over. The shadow appeared again ''Over there!'' he pointed to a shadow on the mountain in the distance. ZAP! the lightning struck again they both looked at the mountain where the shadow one was. ''It's gone'' said Will. They were standing there with their mouths wide open. Nick ran Down stairs and into a big dark room. ''Nick, are you doing what I think you're doing?'' asked Will as he followed ''Well what are you thinking about? I'm just gonna save that well . . I don't know what it is, from that storm!'' replied Nick. Nick turned the lights. in the room there was a massive door-like strusher and two objects with a black soft cloth on top of both of them. ''Which one?'' asked Will ''How about the Giant one?'' suggested Nick ''Alright!'' yelled Will as he yanked the black soft sheet off the object. Underneath appeared a massive truck with really Thick wheels the size of a regular car! Nick jumped in and grabbed the leather wheel ''Come on Will!'' called Nick. Will hoped on. Will pressed a button then there was a loud noise. The giant door opened and Nick raced through the door and into the storm. ''UP THERE!''said Will pointing up to the mountain. The engine was roaring like a lion in a zoo. ''HERE WE GO!'' yelled Nick as he stomped on the pedal. They were speeding up the mountain, Well they were speeding up the mountain when the engine had started to make some odd noises. BONK! CLANK! RATTLE! ''Um . . Nick? . . I think something is wrong with the engine'' ''yeah'' said Nick. They started to slowly go backwards. ''Why are you going backwards'' asked Will. Nick was confused ''I'm not'' he said. '' WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!? yelled Will in terror. Then they went faster and faster and the ground became full of lumps and bumps. ''AHHHH!!!'' They both screamed as they were bouncing like bouncy balls all throughout the car. They had finally come to a standstill. With the last of Will's energy he opened the door and rolled out onto the cold muddy floor. Nick rolled out with his hands on his head. He was walking but just not straight. ''I'm dizzy'' he said. ''Nick, I don't remember you wearing dark clothes'' said Will ''What? . . No you're wearing that black outfit'' said Nick. Then an unknown voice whispered from the bushes. ''What are you doing here? it to dangerous!'' ''AHHH a ghost!'' screamed Will. ''AHHH three ghosts!!'' called Nick. ''It's just one ghost Nick!'' said Will as he got up the muddy dirt.

To be continued. . . . .


What do you thing will happen?

Can you give me ideas on what could happen?


Writing Week 9 Term 2


In this Writing WS (Workshop) we had to make a 300 word short story which induces Show not tell. 

Writing Goal: Use “show not tell” when appropriate.

My D.L.O (digital learning object) is here.

The forbidden tower

I woke up to the deafening sound of thunder. It was the middle of the night. I was half asleep when I pecked out the window and saw a shadow soaring through the dark gloomy night. I tried to keep my eyes open, but I had only slept for a couple of hours. I slowly walked to my bed and flopped on top of it. Hours later, The bright sunlight shone on my face. I slowly opened my eyes. I saw a crow sitting outside the window, waiting there as if it was watching me through the whole night. I tried to hide under the covers. I pinched myself to see if I was still dreaming but I wasn't. I swung my legs out of bed and stood up. The black feathered bird flew into the distance where it landed on a dead tree. Beside the tree was an old tilting tower that looked like it was about to collapse. ''wow! this is great, I'm going to explore that'' I said as I dashed down stairs to get my backpack and a flashlight. I left the house. I skipped along a stone path with my chin up. Soon later, everything felt a little dark and gloomy but the crumbling house was a few meters away. ''Was I already there?'' I thought to myself. I kneeled down and grabbed my flashlight. When I had looked up the house was right in front of me. I jumped up with my mouth wide open.
''w w-what?'' I yelled at that same moment the door flung open. I grabbed a sharp stick and pointed it to the door of the house. I slowly crawled in. My hands were shaking with fear as I tiptoed deeper into the dark house. ''h-hello um, I anyone t-there?'' a crow flew in from a shattered window in the roof and landed on my stick. I held a dark stone necklace. I dropped it on my hand then flew back to the roof. ''Take it and go!'' it squawked in a deep voice. I instantly ran back home and Yelling ''Help me!!'' I opened the door, went in and locked every single thing possible. I keeped the necklace ever since.


Question: Do you know how to do this?
Tell me in the comments please

Thursday, June 11, 2020



Our hub did a reading challenge. Each of us read three books the books I have read are: Disney and Pixar Movies: Coco, Binky: License to Scratch and Adventure Kingdom book 1 and book 2. For each book we read we had to do a task. HERE is my favorite first task, It is a poster about the book Disney and Pixar Movies: Coco on Epic.

This is Miguel Rivera from the movie, He is the main character even if the name of the movie is coco.

have you seen Coco if you have how much do you like it?
I love Coco the movie, how about you?
let me know in the comments!